Thursday, September 15, 2011

Texture Sequencing Sticks

We are going to be starting our lesson on the 5 senses next week. Here is an activity I made that teaches sequencing while adding a sensory aspect by using materials with different textures.
These are very easy to make with the jumbo craft sticks and make sure you use a hot glue gun! (The number 6 is the rough side of velcro) There are many materials with different textures that I'm sure you can find just laying around your classroom. I like having the kids write down or draw pictures of their observations in the class science journal. Have them describe in detail how each one feels, compare the materials and see if they can figure out what each is made from (metal, plastic, etc.). Have fun!


  1. Very cool idea! I bet the kids love the fuzz ball ones. Thanks for sharing!! :o)


  2. Nice way to teach sequencing and counting.

  3. Great idea! Can't wait to give it a try!

  4. very neat idea! Our blog features all kinds of activities related to preschooler learning and I may just try out this idea! Will do a link-back when we do post it on the site:

    We have a lot of busy bags that include counting but not much using sequencing yet and I'm loving your idea! Good work!

  5. Found you through Living Montessori Now's pinterest board...what a great idea! I love doing sensory activities with my 2 and 4 year old.

  6. excellent idea. will have to do this year

    Come check out my new class.

    Pre-Schooler Daze

  7. Hello,
    Wonderful way of teaching way..I am KG teacher and I am sure my kids will love it.
