Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Crochet Baby Blankets

I just finished up these 2 baby blankets for a family member who has a cousin with twins. I used the pattern on this blog. This is a fast and easy pattern as every other row is v-stitch. I loved the way they turned out. I hope you will try it out. I have since found other uses for the v-stitch including the chunky cowl from my last post.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Chunky Cowl- Free Pattern!

Here is a pattern that I created for a cowl using a v-stitch that I liked from a baby blanket pattern. I made it for my sister (pictured) along with the wrist warmers which I don't have a pattern for. I pretty much just winged it with those using mostly double crochet stitch and one row of V-stitch so there would be an opening for the thumb hole.

I used a 9mm hook and thick yarn.

Ch. 20

Row 1: DC in 2nd st from hook and each st to end. Turn, ch 2. (19 sts)

Row 2: sk 1st st, dc in next, sk 1, *V-stitch (DC, ch 1, DC in same st), sk 2. Repeat from *. After last V-stitch, sk 1, DC, then another DC in ch 2 from previous row. (5 V-sts)

Repeat Row 1-2 until you reach desired length ending with row 1. Finish off and weave in ends.
Add 2 large wood buttons on one end.

The only advice I have is to make sure your buttons are big enough because they will be going through the V-stitch holes. You want to make sure they're not going to slip out easily like mine do. My sister is currently looking for some larger buttons to replace the ones I used. LOL
Please comment any questions you have because this is the first pattern I have ever written myself, so I want to make sure it can be understood. Thanks for your help!